«Program trening PRP ( plateled rich plasma) or plasmotherapy » :

Training is conducted by

Dr.Grati Natalia


Registration of participants.


- Brief historical recursion in the emergence of plasma therapy.

- What represents this method, benefits of the use in aesthetic medicine and not only.

- Blood and its properties.

- Hematopoiesis, the physiological norms characteristic of blood, their assesment by HLG (homoleukogram).

- What is the plasma therapy: steps, methodsIn ce consta procedura de plasmoterapie: etape, metode, tehnici de lucru.


Cofee Break

11:30 -13:00

- Neccessary preparation of the patient for the procedure and recomandations after treatment.

- Indications, contraindications for plasmotherapy Indicații, contraindicații pentru Plasmoterapie. Reactii adverse posibile.

- Rezultate, concluzii.


13:00–14:00 Lunch



Împlimentatea in practica


Plasmotherapy of the face, neck and decollete.


Methods and techniques in demo live.


Handling over certificates.


16:30 Questions and answers.​                  
