Alopecia Can Be Treated - Find Out How!

Lorema Estetic

Tratamentul Alopeciei în Chișinău

Hair loss (alopecia) is a problem millions of people face worldwide. For some, it’s a temporary inconvenience, but for others, it’s a serious challenge affecting quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore what alopecia is, why it occurs, and what effective methods for treating alopecia are offered by the LorEmA Estetic clinic in Chișinău.

What is Alopecia?


Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss, which can manifest locally (focal alopecia) or over the entire scalp. It can vary from androgenic (hereditary) alopecia to those caused by stress, hormonal changes, or diseases.


Ce este alopecia


Causes of Hair Loss


There are numerous factors that can cause alopecia. Among them:


  • Hormonal Changes: Androgenic alopecia is the most common form of baldness in both men and women.

  • Stress: Stressful situations often trigger temporary hair loss.

  • Autoimmune Diseases: Focal alopecia results from the immune system attacking hair follicles.

  • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency: Lack of iron, zinc, or B vitamins can weaken hair roots.


Alopecia in Women


Alopecia la femei


Hair loss in women is often linked to hormonal changes in the body, such as pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid problems. It may be temporary, but sometimes specialized treatment is required.


Alopecia in Men

Alopecia la bărbați


Alopecia in men is a fairly common problem, especially after the age of 30. Androgenic alopecia (hereditary baldness) is the primary cause of hair loss in men. As men age, many experience gradually progressive hair loss, affecting the top of the head and the temples, forehead, or nape.


What to Do if Hair is Falling Out?


If you notice that your hair is falling out more than usual, it’s important to:


  • Visit a trichologist.

  • Undergo an examination to determine the cause of hair loss.

  • Start treatment as recommended by a specialist.


Alopecia Treatment at LorEmA Estetic


Tratamentul Alopeciei Chișinău


LorEmA Estetic clinic offers a comprehensive approach to treating alopecia. We offer various procedures and products to restore your hair's health. Each treatment method is based on the individual needs of the patient, ensuring the best results.


Alopecia Treatment in Chișinău - Procedures


For effective treatment of alopecia, it’s important to choose a comprehensive approach that includes both physiotherapy procedures and pharmacological treatment. At LorEmA Estetic, we offer a wide range of treatments designed to restore hair and improve scalp condition. Each procedure is developed to stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair roots.


Fractional Mesotherapy with Meso-Cocktails


This procedure involves the use of a mesopen to create micro-punctures on the scalp, which helps improve the penetration of active ingredients. Meso-cocktails containing vitamins, minerals, and peptides help restore hair health, stimulate growth, and improve scalp condition.


Mezoterapie fracționată cu mezo-cocktailuri


  • Procedure Duration: 35 minutes

  • Effectiveness: Improvements can be noticed after the first procedure, but a course of treatments is recommended for optimal results.



Virtual Mesotherapy for Hair and Scalp


Virtual mesotherapy is a modern, painless method that uses equipment to introduce active substances aimed at restoring hair. The procedure improves the nutrition of hair follicles, strengthens the hair, and helps restore its structure.



Mezoterapia virtuală a părului și a scalpului


  • Procedure Duration: 35 minutes

  • Effectiveness: Suitable for treating local hair loss as well as for the comprehensive restoration of hair across the entire scalp.

Scalp Mesotherapy


An injection-based procedure aimed at restoring and strengthening hair follicles. Scalp mesotherapy improves microcirculation, eliminates dandruff, normalizes scalp oiliness, and promotes the growth of healthy hair.


Mezoterapia scalpului


  • Procedure Duration: 35 minutes

  • Effectiveness: Perfect for treating various types of alopecia, including androgenic and focal.



PRP Therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy)


PRP therapy uses the patient’s own plasma, rich in platelets, which is injected into the scalp. This stimulates the growth of new hair, improves the condition of existing hair, and strengthens the roots. The procedure helps activate the body’s own regenerative abilities and restores hair even in the most advanced cases.



Terapia PRP (terapie cu plasmă)


  • Procedure Duration: 60 minutes

  • Effectiveness: Noticeable results after several sessions.


Hair Loss Prevention Products


For maximum effectiveness in treating alopecia, it’s important to use high-quality products that help strengthen the hair and prevent further loss. At our clinic, you can choose the most effective hair loss prevention solution tailored to your specific needs.


Meso Hair Strengthening Serum

Ser De Întărire A Părului Meso Hair


A peptide serum that strengthens hair and prevents it from falling out. Suitable for both women and men, including cases of hormonal hair loss. Reduces DHT, stimulates cell metabolism, improves microcirculation, and slows down follicle aging.


BCN Scalp for Hair Strengthening

BCN Scalp pentru întărirea părului


A product with B vitamins, biotin, and iron that strengthens hair and prevents loss. Moisturizes the scalp, regulates oiliness, stimulates hair growth, and prevents loss.


BCN Capillum-Peptides Solution for Treating Alopecia

BCN Capillum-peptide soluție de tratament alopecie


A sterile solution with next-generation peptides for treating hormonal and other types of alopecia. Enhances microcirculation, nourishes the hair, prevents follicle miniaturization, and prolongs the anagen phase.


Why Choose LorEmA Estetic?


We don’t just treat symptoms; we identify the cause of hair loss. Our specialists tailor a course of procedures and treatments to achieve the best possible results. Alopecia is treatable, and effective hair loss solutions exist!


Don’t wait until the problem becomes irreversible. Schedule a consultation at LorEmA Estetic to restore your hair’s health and beauty. We offer the most effective hair loss treatments, proven over time. Contact us now to start your journey toward healthy and thick hair!

