BB Glow –The most innovative tendency in cosmetology Cea mai inovativă tendință în cosmetologie

Training is conducted by

Dr. Maria Florea


Registration of the participants.


-General presentation of the Meso BB GLOW treatment and of microneedling procedure;


-The use in professional cosmetology;


-Elaboration of the individulized work protocol;


-The main indications with practical results;


-Contraindications, possible complications and their management;


Presentation of the devices necessary to perform the procedure:

→ Fractional Device - Dermedics Meso Pen MST;

→ Cartridge types used, penetration depth indicated;
The specifity and importance of the virtual mesotheraphy in correct performance of the BB Glow procedure;


Presentation of Dermedics products used in BB-Glow procedure:

→Composition and properties of Dermedics MesoWhite serum;

→ Products used during the procedure but also after procedure maintenance;


-Post-Treatment Care.


13:00–14:00 Lunch



Demonstrative aplications on models. Individual practice with the monitoring and training of the doctor.



Methods and principles of application.


16:30 Questions and answers                 T. 061018777/ 060171010

